May 8

The Truth about Dental Vacations to Bangkok and Phuket Thailand

The Truth about Dental Vacations to Bangkok and Phuket Thailand

Dental procedures like mini-dental implants, crowns and vaneers in Thailand have been gaining popularity over the years because they are on average, at least three times cheaper than most western nations around the world. Thailand is one of the leading international dental destinations for men and women to take a dental vacation. Dental vacations or […]

Mar 5

Testimonial from Recent Dental Makeover in Thailand from Recent Dental Makeover in Thailand

We are not always born with a perfect smile, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have that perfect million dollar smile. Its really never too late to change the way you look. Smile makeovers in Thailand can make it easy for you and your loved ones to have the beautiful smile that you want at […]